
Kandikrush Healthcare

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Kandikrush for men & women cost 7500 Naira/140 Cedis/ 11,500 Frs /20 USD per bottle.

Laxtup Capsules Cost 8000 Naira/140 Cedis/ 11,500 Frs /20 USD per bottle.

Other products like yotsin and bitter plus 6000 Naira/110 Cedis/ 11,500 Frs /20 USD per bottle.

Before ordering our products make sure you have gotten prescription for your case.

Prescription guides and consultations are available on our  website.

Absolutely yes.

There is no relationship between tubal blockage and menstrual flow. The tubes are responsible for the movement of eggs down the womb following fertilization by an active sperm cell  for pregnancy to be established. The menstrual flow is as a result of the  shedding of blood through the cellular linings of the uterus (endometrium) and not the fallopian tubes. Tubal blockage can prevent passage of sperm cells down the ovary for fertilization and hence resulting to infertility.

Some women with tubal blockage usually experience pelvic or lower abdominal pains. However, there are no definite signs for tubal blockage. common signs which could suggest tubal blockage are : Inability to conceive in the presence of normal sperm count, motility count and morphology irrespective of regular unprotected sexual intercourse in a period of 6 -12 months. Semen withdrawal in large quantity (more than 2/3rd of the ejaculated semen) could be due to tubal blockage, infections like pid and Candida overgrowth as well as watery sperm cells or low sperm motility and viscosity count can cause semen withdrawal in large amount after sex.


Fallopian tubes are usually blocked by scar tissue or pelvic adhesions. These can be caused by many factors including – Pelvic inflammatory disease. This disease can cause scarring of the tubes or hydrosalpinx (excess fluid in the tubes )

-Endometriosis: Endometrial tissue can build up in the fallopian tubes and cause blockage .

Endometrial tissue on the outside of other organs can also cause adhesions that can block the tubes.

Certain STIs (Sexually transmitted infections) such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhea can lead to Pelvic inflammatory disease and can cause scarring in the tubes.

 We do not encourage treatment until after 2 months following delivery. We do not have data of any possible effect of our products on a newborn via breastfeeding.

– Avoid treatment once pregnancy is achieved as this may induce another menstruation and could trigger miscarriage. However we have no clinical studies about the abortifacient actions.

– Do not take any of our products with folic acid, vitamin supplements or hematinics (Blood capsules ) as well as other products not recommended by  your physician. Combination with folic acid may cause delayed /missed period.

– Avoid the use of milk, coconut (During medication period)

– Avoid high sugar drinks and alcoholic drinks.

– Avoid consumption of Native chalk/White chalk (Nzu in Ibo)

– Reduce intake of carbohydrate rich foods such as rice and avoid white bread if you have fibroid

– Avoid fatty foods if you have fibroid.

  • There could be headache/sleepiness if overdosed ( >3 capsules in a dose )
  • There could be colicky abdominal pain in some patients with fibroids /ovarian cyst due to its degeneration processes of the fibroid tissues and shrinking of the cyst.
  • There could be prolonged period up to 14 days which rarely occurs in some fibroid patients due to fibroid degeneration.
  • Mild laxation and bulky stool may be experienced in the first few days of the treatment.
  • There could be increased libido and appetite.

There are different signs of infection in men and women.

Urinary tract infection usually presents with the following signs:

  • A strong persistent urge to urinate
  • A burning sensation when urinating
  • Urine that appears red, bright pink or cola-colored –a sign of blood in urine
  • Passing frequent, small amounts of urine
  • Strong –smelling urine
  • Pelvic pain in women –especially in the center of the pelvis and in the area of the pubic bone
  • Vaginal Discharges with and even without odor in women which is usually caused by candidiasis /yeast infection , gonorrhea infection , Chlamydia and bacteria vaginosis
  • Urethral discharges in men which is usually sign of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia infection in men.
  • Worm- like body sensation/movements which usually is caused by Staphylococcus bacteria infection.
  • Excessive body hotness

Hysterosalpingography or HSG is an X-ray test that outlines the internal structures of the womb and checks whether the fallopian tubes are blocked or patent. This investigative procedure can be painful and in some cases may cause injury in the wall of the tube which may also result to adhesions/ scar tissue. Scar tissues are usually permanent injury.

ADVICE:  Before  doing HSG is important that the male partner has done semen analysis to rule out low sperm count and motility count . Is also good for the women to first do pelvic ultrasound scan to rule out other possible causes of infertility such as fibroids, ovarian cyst , pid, endometriosis etc.

The best way to confirm if you have normal sperm cells is by doing semen analysis and culture.

Criteria for normal sperm cells are as below:

Quantity per ejaculate = 2mls and above

Sperm Concentration Count = not less than 15 million per milliliter (ml) of the ejaculate , preferably 20 million and above is considered normal count.

Total Sperm Count = 39 million and above per ejaculate

Progressively motile sperm cells = 32% and above

Shape (Morphology) = 5% and above normal shapes. Healthy sperm have rounded heads and long-strong tail.



  • Low Sex drive
  • Weak Erection
  • Watery Semen upon ejaculation

Is important to know that sperm cells can live in a woman’s body between 2-5 days but a woman’s egg following ovulation can only live between 12-24 hrs and if no healthy sperm meets the egg within this period in order to fertilize the egg pregnancy will not take place. Ovulation is the time a woman’s egg is matured for fertilization by sperm cells which last not longer than 24 hrs.

For a trying to conceive mother (TTC Mother) is advised to have sex within the ovulation period . Ovulation usually occurs middle of the menstrual cycle. Note that in average women see their cycle every 28 days. Some women may have their cycle for example every 29 , 30 or 31 days . However if your cycle comes earlier or later than 2 days from expected days in the absence of pregnancy this can point to hormone imbalance, a situation where there is abnormal level of reproductive hormones in the system. A woman with a regular 28 days cycle usually ovulates on day 14 (mid-cycle).  For other cycle length it is believed that ovulation occurs 14 days before the period flows (Day 14) . Remember day 1 is the first day period started. A woman with 30 days regular cycle is expected to ovulate 14 days before the period that is on day 16th ( 30-14=16). However it may vary at times.

Medically is normal for cycle length to fall between 21 -35 days. That means a women seeing her cycle every 21 days may be very normal though is a short cycle and one seeing at every 35 days is still normal but a longer cycle. If it varies longer than 2 days difference (irregular cycle) it can be due to hormone imbalance.

The best time to have sex for conception to take place is within the period a woman ovulate / fertile window period. For cycles that are regular between 21-35 days the fertile window is the day an egg can be released from the ovary (Ovulation) and the 5 days before this period. This is because sperm can live 2-5 days in a woman’s body and any active sperm present within this period has capacity to fertilize the egg for pregnancy to take place provided the tubes are not blocked.

Example How to Calculate Fertile Window For 28 days cycle :

Expected Ovulation = day 14

Fertile window = 5 days from expected ovulation day i.e. day 9 – 14th . If you have sex at least every 2 days within this window period in the presence of ovulatory cycle, free tubes and normal sperm count and motility pregnancy is most likely to take place.

COMMON SIGNS OF PID (Pelvic inflammatory disease):

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding which may also be caused by fibroid, endometriosis and hormone imbalance
  • Foul vaginal discharges
  • Lower abdominal pain which usually worsen during intercourse , bowel motion or urination.
  • Long standing fever.


The best diagnostic approach for Pid is by doing Pelvic Ultrasound scan. Presence of significant amount of fluid in the POD /Pouch of Douglass is indicative of Pid .

Abnormal Sperm Production/Low sperm count/Low sperm motility count and watery semen/sperm, other words (Poor sperm viscosity) as well as poor sperm morphology/poor sperm shapes. These are mostly caused by STIs (Sexually transmitted infections) and poor nutritional habits.

Problem with sperm delivery such as PE /Premature Ejaculation, Poor Erection can also affect fertility.

Structural damages in the testicles, blockage in the testicles due to chronic inflammation as a result of STIs like Chlamydia, Gonorrhea etc.

Recommended sperm concentration count is 20 million and above.

Normal total sperm count is 39 million and above.

Normal total sperm motility count should 45% and above

Normal Actively motile sperm cells should be above 32%

Normal Sperm morphology should be above 4%.

Other causes of male infertility are: Overexposure  to certain environmental factors , such as pesticides, radiation, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption , marijuana, anabolic steroids and antibiotics abuse.

Causes of Infertility in women are:

Ovulation disorder which affects the release of eggs from the ovaries.

-Hormonal disorders such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), Hyperprolactinemia/Breast discharge due to excess prolactin hormone, Estrogen /Progesterone imbalance.

-Abnormal thyroid hormones (Hyper/Hypothyroidism) can affect ovulation.

-Uterine or cervical abnormalities such as polyps in the cervix or uterus, Endometriosis,  fibroids, ovarian cysts, Tubal blockage and adhesions due to Pid/Pelvic inflammatory disease, Ashermans syndrome.

– Incomplete abortion /miscarriage, Semen flow back (sperm withdrawal) , surgical scars in the uterus.

Others: Diabetes, hypertension, anxiety and depression.

Adhesions are bands of scar-like tissue that form between two surfaces inside the body or an organ and cause them to stick together. Example : One gets cut by a knife and after bloodletting , in the next few days scars/adhesions forms at the injury site to heal the wound. If scar forms in both fallopian tubes there is no medication to remove it except surgery. However the scars recur even after surgery making IVF the best option for fertility when both tubes are damaged by scars. Scars can be identified during HSG scan if the system has good camera. They can also be visualized using laparoscope.

In cases of reproductive system infection, tubal blockage or  hydrosalpinx /excess fluid in the tubes, there could be vaginal discharge which can be yellowish, brownish, watery, greenish or bloody during the treatment period. A repeat of culture test or pelvic scan is recommended to assess the treatment response.

-For fibroid and ovarian cyst, treatment response is monitored through a repeated abdominopelvic ultrasound scan after the first 8 weeks of medication. 

  • A reduction in the size of Ovarian cyst more than 4cm within 8 weeks treatment course is an indication of good prognosis. A reduction in the size of fibroid more than 2cm within 8 weeks treatment course is an indication of good treatment prognosis. 
  • Patients with fibroid may experience brownish/bloody discharge with or without clots during OR before period. 
  • Patients with ovarian cyst or hydrosalpinx may experience watery, brownish / bloody vaginal discharge during or before period.

Payment on delivery is available delivery in most cities in Nigeria. In Ghana payment on delivery is available in Accra and in Cameroon payment on delivery is available in Buea. In other countries you pay for the products and for DHL Courier service /Waybill and we ship the products to you.

Yes, our products are registered by NAFDAC (National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control)

Fibroid Signs:

One may have no signs of fibroids . However the most common signs of fibroids are constant pelvic pain, abdominal bloating, abdominal swelling ( Looking pregnant ) , menstrual and urinary problems such as heavy menstrual flow, scanty flow, prolonged period over 14 days, urinary frequency/urgency usually caused by big fibroids compressing the bladder.

The best way to check if one has fibroid is by doing pelvic ultrasound scan. Every woman in reproductive age should at least do scan once in a year.

Ovarian Cyst Signs:

Usually presents with lower abdominal pains which may be constant or recurring. However most ovarian cyst signs and symptoms are typically linked to menstrual cycle.  In unilateral ovarian cyst there is usually one sided pelvic pain and in bilateral cysts there are always pains in both sides of the abdomen.

If you have infection is important to get your sexual partner treated before unprotected sex to avoid re-infection.

-If you experience the same symptoms, check if you were following the treatment guide as directed to you.

-It could be that you have chronic infection that had been exposed to several antibiotics .This resistance may need more medication dose for treatment success.